13 February 2013

Spinach Thick Soup

You may remember my earlier posts about Creamed Spinach and Broccoli Puree. This recipe I'm going to share is somewhat like a combination of both.

I used:
300g of round spinach (leaves only)
some chopped garlic
half a chopped brown onion
a stalk of chopped celery
fish stock
your desired cooking fat (I used butter)

- Heat your cooking fat and throw in your garlic and onions. Stir fry till onions are soft but not browned.

- Add the spinach and celery and cover with fish stock. Season with salt and pepper.

The fish stock is from my previous Salmon Fish Head Soup entry. You can also replace the fish stock with chicken or beef stock or even water.

However, with water I will recommend adding more vegetables to give your soup more taste.

- Cover and let boil on low heat until spinach is soft. It'll look something like this:

- Cover and simmer for 5 more minutes.

There is also a cream version of this soup. You can add whipping cream before the 5-minute simmer.

- Remove pot from heat. Let it cool till it's warm before placing everything in a blender.

There you have it, a gorgeous warm and rich soup. I topped it off with some sauteed mushrooms for that extra bite and freshly grounded black peppercorns. 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely soup. Please drop me a line on ca4ole@gmail.com if you are ok with me linking it to my blog (Carole's Chatter). Cheers
